The basements that used to be the Colosseum housed the beasts and gladiators who were going to duel. If you want to see the underground part up close, you need to be led by a guide. The entire outer wall of the Colosseum is made of limestone, and each floor has 80 arches (vormitori), which can allow spectators to enter and take their seats quickly. The depressions on the second and third floors were once filled with marble statues.
#Bookshelf 2 ft deep 31 in wide 71 high windows
The top of the wall is dotted with windows and slender Corinthian pilasters, and there are 240 pilasters to support the canvas canopy that covers the Colosseum. #Bookshelf 2 ft wieth 31 in wide 71 high windows# These canvas canopies, which shield the audience from the scorching sun and sun, are now invisible. On the second floor, you can clearly see the internal structure of the entire Colosseum. You can clearly see that the entire interior of the Colosseum is divided into three parts: the arena, the auditorium and the podium. The arena had a sand-covered wooden floor to prevent the gladiators from falling and to absorb the blood that shed. The arena can also be flooded with water for simulated naval battles. The traps on the field lead to the basement and the tunnel below the arena. Animals in cages awaiting combat are lifted by a pulley mechanism and transported into the arena. The audience seats (cavea) are divided into three levels: the knights sit on the lower level, the wealthy citizens sit in the middle, and the commoners sit on the upper level. The slope in the stands is very large, so that the audience in each stand can clearly see the performance. The steps are relatively steep, so pay attention to safety when visiting. The passageway inside the stands is wide enough for two cars to be driven side by side. The podium is a wide terrace between the auditorium and the arena, reserved for monarchs, parliamentarians and important personalities. Most of the third and fourth floors of the Colosseum have collapsed, and the upper walls are decorated with small windows.